PLEASE NOTE: This unofficial website represents the views of neither
the City of Reno nor its Citizens Cable Compliance Committee.

But it does present the awful truth.


Andrew Barbano
, chair
Floyd Dean
, vice-chair
Karol Gorman
, recording secretary
John Barber, Chuck Lanham,
Barbara Stone, Noel Thornsberry

Left to right — Barbara Stone, John Barber, Andrew Barbano, Floyd Dean and Noel Thornsberry in the Reno Council Chambers after a recent meeting.

The City of Reno's Citizens Cable Compliance Committee will now meet at new city hall, the black tower downtown at First and Sierra across from the Mapes Memorial Graveyard.


Charter files for complete deregulation in Reno, Sparks, Carson, Washoe and Clark counties. Municipalities must file objections by Nov. 28, 2004.
Daily Sparks Tribune 11-21-2004, Comstock Chronicle 11-26-2004

Update 11-30-2004: Download the opposition brief
Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader which you may download free at

Update 12-1-2004: Local governments file objections
Daily Sparks Tribune 12-1-2004

Update 12-5-2004: Opposition may be deficient

Barbano: City should acquire defunct Quadravision system
Reno Gazette-Journal 11-2-2004

"Media is the plural of mediocre."

— Jimmy Breslin


10-25-2004 — An inquiry about why our Oct. 28 cable meeting does not appear on SNCAT's schedule brought this response: "I did check with (Executive Director) Vivienne French and the Citizens Cable Compliance Committee is not a meeting that has been negotiated in our new contract with the City of Reno as one that will be covered on a regular basis. In addition, at this point we have not received any request from the City of Reno for coverage."

Kim Anhalt

UPDATE 10-27-2004 — Councilmember Jessica Sferrazza's office called to say it was a mistake and will be rectified in the future.


We now have a committee vacancy to fill. Any Reno resident wishing to serve may contact City Clerk Lynnette Jones at (775) 334-2030 for an application, or apply via the city's website. We will meet quarterly in 2005.

CCCC AUGUST 26, 2004 MEETING: Set your reminder to SNCAT TV-13 on Sparks-Reno Charter Cable for reruns of this seminal meeting this Saturday at 2:00 p.m. and Sunday, Aug. 29, at 7:00 p.m., same station.
Tune in, turn on and tell a friend.

The committee considered some very important issues. One of the board members discovered flaws in Charter's recently imposed regionwide rate hike. City staff is reviewing the facts of the case. We also approved a sweeping and visionary proposal to recommend to Sparks, Reno and Washoe County governments that they develop a contingency plan should a troubled cable provider collapse or otherwise fail to provide service. I strongly suggest that everyone read it. (See the Barbwire of August 1, 2004, for one looming scenario).


   CHARTING THE FUTURE AT CITY HALL. On lucky Oct. 13 at the new downtown black tower, the Reno City Council will hear a recommendation from its Citizens Cable Compliance Committee, which I chair. Given fast-breaking new technology, a prejudicial new 15-year franchise agreement and Charter Communications' chronic financial troubles, we have advised the city to develop a long range cable backup plan in conjunction with Sparks and Washoe County.

   As I reported on Aug. 1, further complicating matters is Charter's new digital system in Long Beach, Calif. The company recently unveiled technology to bypass any cable regulation by calling everything broadband Internet service.

   City staff, as always, has recommended that the council turn down the citizens committee's very detailed proposal. I need your support. Contact the council, three of whom are seeking re-election, and tell them to give us some insurance against a major new abuse of consumers by our local cable monopoly. If you can't make it to the meeting, you will be able to see reruns through the weekend on SNCAT cable channel 13. Full details and contact info at

Complete contact info for mayor, council & key staff


Confused by Councilman Dave Aiazzi, the council takes no action
Council slush fund revealed



   In an e-mail bulletin to the aggrieved cable consumer mailing list, I included the following humorous aside: "Please keep in mind that if Tom Ridge takes the nation to Orange Alert, the very vulnerable Stewart Street door on the south side of city hall will be locked in order to keep them nefarious freedom haters from striking at the heart of democracy."

   Alas and alack, life imitates art. I got this response from City of Reno Chief of Staff Leann McElroy: "Andy: Under our new security procedures at the old City Hall, I believe that everyone attending the meeting will have to enter through the Center Street door."

   With Tom Ridge and John Ashcroft monitoring everything, I feel so safe and warm.


Click here to download the 8/26 agenda in Adobe Acrobat Reader


At the beginning of the above meeting, Councilman Dave Aiazzi defended the city's actions in giving Charter Communications a new 15-year franchise. Chairman Barbano's rebuttal may be accessed hereat.

Quick index
2004 Franchise Travesty
2003 Rate Increase
2003 Legislature
Ala carte cable TV
Committee Censored by City Hall
Editorial Kafkaesque Burlesque
News and Resources

Rape & Pillage at Reno City Hall

Barbano: City should acquire defunct Quadravision system
Reno Gazette-Journal 11-2-2004


City should get out of TV business
Reno Gazette-Journal Editorial 9-17-2004

Cable Committee wants backup plan
Reno Gazette-Journal 9-16-2004

Fool me twice, shame on me
Charter tests end-run around regulation
Daily Sparks Tribune 8-1-2004, Comstock Chronicle 8-6-2004

Latest cable TV con jobs
Tol'ja So — Charter closes Reno call center, fires 40

Councilman Aiazzi re-defends April employment ploy

Daily Sparks Tribune 7-25-2004, Comstock Chronicle 7-29-2004

Complete contact info for mayor, council & key staff

Mayor Bob Cashell does Eddy Arnold
Daily Sparks Tribune 4-11-2004, Comstock Chronicle 4-15-2004

Reno City Council sentences ratepayers
to 15 more years of corporate obtuseness

despite 3 town hall meetings, 3 Gazette-Journal Internet polls, KOLO TV-8's web survey, letters to the editor, massive e-mails, paper letters and phone calls to councilmembers.
Reno Gazette-Journal 4-8-2004

City should reject cable deal
Reno City Council can cut cable TV rates
Reno Gazette-Journal Op-Ed 4-7-2004

Cable TV showdown April 7 at Reno City Hall
Daily Sparks Tribune 4-4-2004

Citizens panel urges denial of 15-year cable deal
Reno Gazette-Journal 4-2-2004

Ratepayers beware: The city & Charter like this deal
Beware of pigs wearing lipstick
Reno Gazette-Journal 3-30-2004

BARBWIRE: Getting beat up at city hall
CONSUMER TRIANGLE: Ratepayers must fight the company,
the council and the city staff

Daily Sparks Tribune 3-28-04, Comstock Chronicle 4-1-2004

Reno Council & cable committee meeting updates

3-24-04 & 3-25-04, RESPECTIVELY

Charter negotiators win first round of franchise shell game
City gives bandidos $9 million of freebies per year for 15 years
while ignoring its own $54,000 taxpayer-funded study

BARBWIRE: It's not too late — public hearings coming up
Daily Sparks Tribune 3-21-04, Comstock Chronicle 3-25-04

Charter Cable's checking account isn't choosy
The worst Charter consumer horror story yet
Daily Sparks Tribune 2-22-04, Comstock Chronicle 2-26-04

CCCC opposes extension of Charter franchise
City council gives Charter early Christmas gift

Council reviews one-year franchise extension
Citizens committee ponders new involvement
Sept. 24 & 25, 2003

Committee and consumers criticize city staff
Ask to monitor negotiations

     UPDATE: On Wednesday, October 22, 2003, the Reno City Council agendized two recommendations forwarded from the Sept. 25 CCCC meeting: the placement of a CCCC member as an observer in negotiation of a new Charter franchise agreement and permanent inclusion of purview over cable TV in the city manager's job description. The council rejected the first proposal 7-0 and amended the second to apply to the city's director of community relations. [[FOLLOWUP 3-30-2004 — Ruffled chickens came home to roost as the CCCC was pushed to review, receive public input and make recommendations to the council in just 14 days. When the final product was finally revealed, citizens committee concerns about the secret negotiations were proven justified. It foreshadowed the railroad job to come.]]

How NOT to negotiate a cable franchise

     UPDATE 2-12-2004 — Negotiating in secret, the City of Reno and Washoe County have both granted apparently gratuitous franchise extensions to Charter Communications. Sparks is finally showing signs of life and if the city moves promptly, it can get a new franchise done before the current one expires. Please read the following for good examples of what we should properly demand from our public servants who are paid with ratepayer and taxpayer dollars. (FOLLOWUP 3-30-2004 — Washoe officials apparently came to their senses and have gone month-to-month, as has Carson City. This keeps pressure on Charter to make a deal.)

The Right Way: San Jose vs. Comcast

     A 244-page legal brief filed by the nation's largest and most powerful cable company in its recent suit against the City of San Jose, California, reveals its profound indifference to the public good.
     San Jose's conditions for continuing its cable franchise include expanded public interest programming, community network access to the Internet, fiber-optic lines to serve the city, and compliance with living wage, non-discrimination and other social justice laws. Comcast in its brief rejects each of these requirements as a violation of its First Amendment rights.
     You can learn more about this case and what action to take at the Center for Digital Democracy website.

Back to Quick Index at top

Charter Raises northern Nevada
basic cable prices by 13%

Rate hike more than four times the rate of inflation

RENO GAZETTE-JOURNAL (5-18-2003) — Charter Communications customers in Reno, Sparks, Fallon and Carson City will see a boost of up to 13 percent in their bills for basic or expanded cable services starting June 15. In mailings sent last week, customers are advised that basic cable rates will increase by 13 percent, to $14.01 a month. The cost of expanded basic is going up 8.4 percent to $29.98. And standard cable — a combination of basic and expanded basic — is going up 10 percent, to $43.99...

NEWSFLASH — Cold shower for ratepayers. Charter rate hike will go through unchallenged. Company works the system, City of Reno blithely allows window of opportunity to close without reviewing or questioning filing. —> MORE (6-8-2003)

AUGUST 20, 2003 — The Reno City Council unanimously enacted a new master cable ordinance as the underlying law driving cable provider franchise renewal. —> MORE

City of Reno and cable TV franchisees fail to comply
with law for more than a decade

City could have prevented cable complaints
by Anjeanette Damon, Reno Gazette-Journal
Sunday front-page lead story Feb. 23, 2003

     Costly billing errors, rude call-takers, unreliable service technicians and disrupted programming. They also are the problems the city had the power to prevent. In a two-month investigation, the Reno Gazette-Journal found the city has failed over 15 years to enforce stringent consumer protection requirements called for by its franchise agreement with the cable company, now Charter Communications. Read the complete story—>

Sidebar: Reno begins negotiations with Charter

     It's an opportunity that comes around maybe once every 15 years in Reno — negotiating how the cable company should pay back the community for using the public right-of-way to run its lines. Read the complete story —>

Report to Reno City Council says
Charter "failed on every level"

Reno Gazette-Journal 1-22-2003 (More news below.)

Executive Summary of City Consultant's Report

Back to Quick Index at top

    Watch this website and Barbwire by Barbano in the Sunday Sparks Tribune and Thursday Comstock Chronicle for updates. Click here to request placement on our mailing list.

     Got a gripe? E-mail it to us. We're finding that use of e-mail expedites matters.* Click here to download the city's new complaint form. For info on the complaint process, download here. Both of the latter require Adobe Acrobat Reader, which you may download here. Let us know how your complaint is handled.

     Thank you.


* UPDATE: SELF-FULFILLING PROPHECY — Stung by Cosmetic Cable Compliance Committee inquiries, the howling of city staff and Charter's cheapsuits, the city council quickly removed the committee's authority to intake and handle complaints.

The predictable result — When the generous new 15-year franchise was rubber-stamped on April 7, 2004, Councilman Dave Aiazzi was able to trumpet that only 14 complaints had been received under the city's vaunted new intake system. Despite month of repeated requests, city staff never provided any such data to the committee for review. At that same 4-7-04 meeting, the council refused to take action to better inform ratepayers about how to file a complaint..

Keep that positive spin coming in!

Back to Quick Index at top


Inconsistency is never having to say you're sorry
Follow the bouncing ball

Reno Gazette-Journal ill-informed editorial
"City getting best of Charter deal"
Reno Gazette-Journal 4-2-2004

City should pull a Pontius Pilate and leave consumers on the cross

Reno Gazette-Journal Editorial 4-14-2003

Citizen panel could help with Charter franchise plan
especially in light of huge recent rate hikes
Reno Gazette-Journal Editorial 3-6-2003 and front page 3-5-2003

Cable committee is a good idea
Reno Gazette-Journal Editorial 9-14-2002

  Fifteen years is a long time. That's why the Reno City Council's vote last week to create a citizens advisory committee as the city considers the future of a cable franchise is a smart move. The franchise agreement Charter Communications holds to be the sole cable provider here is up for renewal, but before agreeing to another 15 years of service, the city wants to hear from you.

  Complaints about the cable company are not uncommon — from high prices to spotty service — and though some may be baseless, others surely have merit. It is the job of the citizens committee to help sort the facts from the fiction. It is their job to make sure the advisory group doesn't turn into a tool used by frustrated customers to exact revenge against the cable company...

                                      Copyright © 2002 The Reno Gazette-Journal


Why television is so very important
Daily Sparks Tribune 2-6-2005

Carson City begins franchise renewal public hearings
Reno Gazette-Journal 2-2-2005

A city that used franchise renewal to benefit its citizens – alas, it's in Michigan
Sault St. Marie News 1-18-2005

If you think that's impressive, take a look at Valdosta, Georgia 2-20-2004

Charter Tackles its Big Problem — Customer Service
St. Louis Post-Dispatch 2-01-05

Former Charter exec. Kalkwarf pleads guilty
St. Louis Business Journal 1-26-2005

Phone firms attempt to be relieved of franchise fee payment on cable service
USA Today 12-8-2004

Charter files for complete deregulation in Reno, Sparks, Carson, Washoe and Clark counties.
Municipalities must file objections by Nov. 28, 2004.
Daily Sparks Tribune 11-21-2004, Comstock Chronicle 11-26-2004

Barbano: City should acquire defunct Quadravision system
Reno Gazette-Journal Editorial 11-2-2004

by Andrew Barbano and Barbara Stone

City should get out of TV business
Reno Gazette-Journal Editorial 9-17-2004

Cable Committee wants backup plan
Reno Gazette-Journal 9-16-2004

Charter financial problems continue
Daily Variety 10-8-2004

The most progressive community in the USA?
Does wi-fi cure winter cabin fever?

Perhaps because tiny Truckee, Calif., (on Interstate 80 near the Nevada border on the way to Lake Tahoe), frequently suffers the coldest temperatures in the nation, its residents need the hottest Internet access.

Truckee-Donner beats attempt to kill project

TDPUD Triumphs over Cebridge's Effort to Stall Broadband

TRUCKEE, Calif. — (Business Wire) — Oct. 15, 2004 — The Truckee Donner Public Utility District's (TDPUD) broadband system will continue to move forward after the Nevada County Local Formation Agency (LAFCo) unanimously voted to deny the request for reconsideration brought forth by Cebridge Connections (formerly USA Media) at a special meeting October 14. Cebridge formerly requested the reconsideration of the original unanimous approval in August, temporarily stalling TDPUD efforts to bring fiber-to-the-user broadband to Truckee residents. LAFCO's dismissal of the request allows TDPUD to move forward with plans, which immediately entail securing financing.

   "We're extremely pleased with the commissioners' decision," Alan Harry, telecommunications director for TDPUD, said. "Cebridge brought nothing new or relevant to the table. Like other cable television companies across the country, they were just seeking to stall the District's entry into the broadband business. Now that we have met all regulatory requirements we can focus on the real work of bringing a community fiber system to life."
LAFCo commissioners reviewed further documents related to the previously approved business plan, as well as more than 60 letters of support from Truckee business and homeowners.

   The Truckee Donner Public Utility District has a proven track record of providing reliable, reasonably priced water and electric services for the last 75 years. The District, owned and controlled by its customers, is governed by a five-member Board of Directors, each elected to serve a four-year term. District Board meetings are open to the public and are held the first and third Wednesday of each month, 7 p.m. at the District's headquarters.
For more information about the District's proposed broadband project, contact Alan Harry, director of telecommunications, at 530-582-3951 or

[EDITOR'S NOTE: Cebridge Connections provides cable service to Verdi, Nev., a suburb of Reno on Interstate 80 at the California border.]

Truckee wi-fi project makes news in the Windy City
The Daily Herald 10-26-2004

   "...Soon, Truckee, Calif., is expected to become the first of more than 570 planned municipal broadband utilities in the country to be backed entirely with private funds. It plans to use the more complex certificates of participation.

"'It's almost like a revenue bond, but it has a leasing structure to it built on the project and the revenue to be derived from that,' said Laurance Lewis, principal of Lisle-based Aggregate Networks, which is a financial adviser to Truckee.

"Basically, Snider said, it's like a 'rent-to-own' arrangement in which the government eventually takes ownership of the utility. (EDITOR'S NOTE: Greg Snider is treasurer of the local group Fiber For Our Future and an employee of a private investment company.)

"Truckee officials plan to issue $24 million in certificates with a 15-year life span that is expected to garner an 8 percent interest rate. So far, the high-interest rate and the fact that it's exempt from state and federal taxes has stirred up a lot of interest, Lewis said.

"If voters approve advisory questions in St. Charles and Batavia and a binding question in Geneva, the details would then be worked out.

"Though SBC and Comcast have said a broadband utility puts taxpayer money at risk, city and elected officials and supporters of the plan believe otherwise. But they concede the Tri-Cities would be treading relatively new ground.

"'We are pushing the envelope as far as financing,' Snider said.

"Broadband: SBC, Comcast contend utility plan puts taxpayer money at risk"

[[EDITOR'S NOTE: The Daily Herald is a suburban Chicago paper. Three communities have banded together to build FTTH (fiber-to-the-user network). Phone and cable incumbents have gone to incredible lengths to block it. They were able to kill a referendum for use of general obligation bonds by using loaded "push" surveys that asked residents questions like "Should local government have the right to bring pornography into your homes over cable?" and "Do you think it's fair for local government to use tax money to build a broadband system instead of improving local schools?" The arguments advanced by the cable companies are the same used against cable companies in other controversies. Once again, the pot calls the kettle black.]]

ALSO FROM THE ABOVE ARTICLE: "...if voters approve plans for a municipal broadband effort in the Tri-Cities, those will be the next steps — and contrary to SBC and Comcast ads, Geneva City Administrator Phil Page says the utility can "very definitely" exist without risk to taxpayers. The major difference between the referendum efforts for a Tri-Cities-operated cable TV, high-speed Internet and telephone system via fiber-optic lines that were defeated in April 2003 and those on Nov. 2 ballots is a shift from public to private financing..."

Truckee broadband project clears yet another hurdle
Sierra Sun (Truckee, Calif.) 10-20-2004

Tiny Truckee, Calif., shows how to beat the telegopoly in your town
Sierra Sun (Truckee, Calif.) 10-7-2004

The above story carries loads of links to additional resources.

Tahoe-Donner Public Utility District attempt at publicly owned broadband system delayed
Sierra Sun (Truckee, Calif.) 9-16-2004

Truckee public broadband plan gets go-ahead
Sierra Sun (Truckee, Calif.) 8-12-2004


Charter Communications, Inc. Agrees To $144 Million Settlement
In Securities Class Action

Reuters 8-9-2004

National Association of Broadcasters panel advocates
greater public say in television's future

Las Vegas Review-Journal 4-21-2004

Carson City has its own one-man daily cable news show
Reno Gazette-Journal 4-19-2004

Reno City Council sentences ratepayers
to 15 more years of Charter rape and pillage

despite 3 town hall meetings, 3 Reno Gazette-Journal Internet polls,
KOLO TV-8's Internet poll,
letters to the editor, massive e-mails,
paper letters and phone calls to councilmembers.

A properly toxic postmortem in the 4-11 Sunday Sparks Tribune

City should reject cable deal
Reno City Council can cut cable TV rates
Reno Gazette-Journal Op-Ed 4-7-2004

One nation under Internet protocol
Voice, web, audio & video all over one line
Cable companies have a leg up in an increasingly deregulated environment 4-6-2004

Cable TV showdown April 7 at Reno City Hall
Daily Sparks Tribune 4-4-2004

Citizens panel urges denial of 15-year cable deal
Reno Gazette-Journal 4-2-2004

Ratepayers beware: Both the city & Charter like this deal
Beware of pigs wearing lipstick
Reno Gazette-Journal 3-30-2004

BARBWIRE: Getting beat up at city hall
CONSUMER TRIANGLE: Ratepayers must fight the company, the council and city staff

Daily Sparks Tribune 3-28-04, Comstock Chronicle 4-1-2004

Senators look at reining in cable rates, giving customers more choices
Associated Press 3-25-04

Charter negotiators win first round of franchise shell game
City gives bandidos $9 million of freebies per year for 15 years
while ignoring its own $54,000 taxpayer-funded study

BARBWIRE: It's not too late — public hearings coming up
Daily Sparks Tribune 3-21-04, Comstock Chronicle 3-25-04

At the mercy of cable monopolies
Clearly, deregulation has failed
San Diego Union-Tribune 3-15-2004

USC, Consumer Advocates Offer Up Wish List for Los Angeles
Multichannel News 3-8-2004

BARBWIRE: Charter Cable's Checking Account Isn't Choosy
What's a mere $2,300 between friends?
The worst Charter consumer horror story yet
Daily Sparks Tribune 2-22-04, Comstock Chronicle 2-26-04

Consumer Reports
The Consumers Union Video & Cable information index

National Association of Telecommunications Officers and Advisors (NATOA)

2003 News Links

Back to Quick Index at top

The opposition's greatest hits

Censorship by Reno City Hall
City staff short-circuits first broadcast of cable TV consumer panel meeting,
wants this website taken down

Clinging to the Ledge
Charter and Cox kill consumer bill

Hope Springs Eternal Dept.

Nevada Appeal Editor Barry Smith wants ala carte TV
Carson City Nevada Appeal 4-2-2004

Associated Press: Cable ala carte flickers on the horizon
CNN.COM 3-18-04

The Future of Wired Telecommunications


Citizens Cable Compliance Committee city website page

Archive of minutes at the city's website

Meeting minutes of 3-27-2003

Meeting minutes of 1-15-2003

Meeting minutes of 12-11-2002

Cable Committee Scope of Authority

Reno City Council Resolution 6077
creating the Citizens Cable Committee

CCCC Bylaws

Letters from cable ratepayers/FAQs

2002 Archive

2003 Archive

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